The Bouglione Family


Alexandre, a proud representative of the 6th BOUGLIONE generation, was born on November 19, 1955. He experienced the traditional circus childhood: school in the morning and circus training in various disciplines in the afternoon.
At the age of 14, he was sent to boarding school, a regimen he wished to abandon two years later to devote himself entirely to his passion and vocation, the circus. During this time, he took care of the elephants, a responsibility he had held for 3 or 4 years, caring for and training them.
However, this task did not fully satisfy his aspirations. Driven by ambition, he soon began preparing his massive companions for future performances. Gradually, he became captivated by the allure of lions and tigers, which soon took precedence over the pachyderms.

For Alexandre

The story goes on
From his international travels and tours, Alexandre retained unforgettable memories, particularly because they allowed him to meet Linda Bügler, a young and charming German acrobat to whom he pledged his fidelity in 1976. Their union resulted in the birth of two circus children: Nicolas and Anouchka.
Thanks to Alexandre and his children, the Bouglione family continues to travel the roads today with a big top, under the name of Cirque Alexandre Bouglione, representing the sixth generation of a family devoted to the cause of the European circus.
And the story doesn’t end there: the next generation has already taken flight. Anouchka Bouglione, daughter of Alexandre Bouglione, tours with her own circus in the United States and Canada. Meanwhile, Nicolas Bouglione, son of Alexandre Bouglione, presents his own show on tour in French-speaking Belgium.